A wonderfully presented, large scale conifer forest with a substantial volume of mature timber ready to harvest set amongst the stunning scenery of the Scottish Highlands.
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Sciberscross Forest was established on former hill ground in two primary planting phases, in 1989 and 1990. The forest features a conifer crop predominantly composed of Sitka spruce, planted in a self-thinning mixture with Lodgepole pine, Scots pine, and Larch. Additionally, there are pockets of pure Sitka spruce and attractive areas of mixed broadleaves.
The majority of the forest is now reaching maturity with an approved Long-Term Forest Plan in place providing the opportunity for immediate tax free income from harvesting over the plan period and beyond.
Growth within Sciberscross Forest is good, attributed to soil conditions dominated by peaty podzols and pockets of peaty gleys. The timber crop is of excellent quality on the free-draining sloping ground, which has self-thinned to produce well-formed stands of Sitka spruce with excellent sawlog content and yield classes in the region of 20 and above. Naturally, as you move onto the upper slopes, growth becomes more variable and would benefit from an additional period of maturity before harvesting.
Sciberscross Forest offers an incoming purchaser with a significant opportunity to generate a swift return on investment from tax free timber sales over the next 10 years and beyond, along with the potential to improve the yield classes of the next rotation.
The forest also offers opportunity for wind energy development, subject to consent. Peatland restoration potential exists, and more broadleaves will be introduced in the second rotation allowing a purchaser to enhance the biodiversity within the forest.
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