Banghams Wood comprises a mixed broadleaved:conifer woodland. Natural England records large parts of the woodland as Ancient and Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW) and Ancient Replanted Woodland (ARW).
The ASNW indicates that there has been woodland cover at this location since pre-1600. The wood has a mosaic of habitats. The broadleaves include mature characterful oak, generally >60cm DBH and 20m+ in height, and similar large sized beech. There are areas of ash, wild cherry, sycamore, silver birch, alder, field maple and sweet chestnut, with an understory of hazel. The conifers comprise two small areas of densely stocked western hemlock and Norway spruce. Other areas of the wood are interspersed with young larch. Small areas of replanting with native broadleaves are near to the public footpath.
Part of the wood lies in Tick Wood and Benthal Edge Site of Special Scientific Interest. The designation notes “An extensive area of ancient native mixed deciduous woodland on north and west facing scarp slopes overlooking the Severn Gorge. The variation in geology is reflected in the vegetation”. The geology includes limestone, shales, clays and sandstones. Several uncommon plant species have been recorded in the SSSI, including fingered sedge (its only known Shropshire locality), wood barley, toothwort, violet helleborine and the unusual wild service tree. The wood has a fascinating mix of species with trees that can be very large, on land that is hidden from view, with springs and streams that add great character, and with moss covered cut tree stumps of large broadleaved trees. This indicates that parts of the wood have been felled in the past – perhaps during/preceding WW2 when the best timber was taken from woodlands in order to provide much needed resources and funds.
The woodland has a right of way at all times, with or without motor vehicles, from the wood to the main road, with maintenance proportionate to use. There are fine views from the wood across the River Severn valley and towards the well wooded Wrekin Hills.
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